Wednesday, December 28, 2005


The torn pieces oh my emotions make sound
Inside the bag of my body as I move
My heart carries the leftover of the people I met
Staled, spoiled and stink emerging out of it
My soul kept at the corner drenched in my own tears
All trickling with the dreams I had which got pierced
And pricked by the harshness ,they felt each time they were handled
I forgot to put the sign “Fragile” “Handle with care”
As I thought everything is as good as we feel
But my thoughts are another waste to be dumped
By the corner of the lane my life traveled so far
Could see the debris of my desires it left
My emotions oozing out of me all bruised
Patched here and there with blood stains
It aches a lot because each movement further
Hurts with great impact my legs unable to help
My senses not responding to my needs as all articulations messed up in my brain
My hands motionless not ready to hold any hand
As the assurance they got was never unfeigned
But yes my spirit alive with conviction in god
That he’ll deliver me from all the rot I gathered
Hope is still breathing to get to clean vicinity
Faith is still clinging on with all strength
To overcome all I had, to dump all I collected inside

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